Sample from ‘Tarot’

Gender in tarot

Traditionally, tarot has had clear concepts of gender depicted in its artwork, and certainly, with cards such as the King and Queen, it is a construct that will continue to be symbolised in most decks. However, modern decks continue to explore gender boundaries, with some representing only women and others that are more inclusive of non-binary figures.

Whatever your deck, the openness in which the cards are read rests with the reader and not the illustrations. So in whichever way your deck personifies the cards (the Magician as a man, Justice as a woman, or Temperance as androgynous), remember that the symbolism should serve and not dictate the enquirer’s needs. The symbols of tarot are a product of creativity and are there to help guide the exploration of the subconscious rather than provide regimented readings.

Equally, what might be referred to in tarot as feminine energy is not solely tied to women, just as masculine energy is not exclusive to men — everyone has access to these energies. All energies are within all and should be explored and encouraged. Try to look past the surface image of gender displayed in the illustrations and explore the deeper meaning of the cards…

READ MORE: Tarot Kit - | Simon & Schuster (


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